Voces Latinas

Voces Latinas

Product details

  • Author: Beth Johnson (editor)
  • SKU/ISBN: 1-59194-225-X
  • Year: 2010
  • Page count: 145
  • Reading level: 6
  • Lexile Level: 790L
  • Availability: In stock


Want students to read more? So does Townsend Press. That's why we created the Townsend Library—a collection of high-interest paperbacks that engage readers. These books feature compelling human stories and include an afterword and author commentary to deepen readers' enjoyment. Acclaimed by educators and readers alike, each Townsend Library book is available to schools for $3.

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About Voces Latinas


To be Hispanic in the U.S. today is to be part of the most rapidly growing group in the country. As Hispanics become increasingly visible in every aspect of society, it is more important than ever that they share their stories--tales that add richness and dimension to the larger American story. In this book, ten men and women describe their life journeys: where they have come from, where they are now, and where they are going. In doing so, they give an extraordinary glimpse into the hearts and minds of today’s Hispanic Americans.

Guadalupe Quintanilla, labeled “retarded” as a child, now a nationally known educator;

Andres Idarraga, whose path to Yale Law School led through a federal prison;

Maria Cárdenas, an abused and nearly illiterate migrant worker who refused to accept the fate she had been handed;

Angel Cordero, who shelters kids from the mean streets of Camden, New Jersey, in a church basement turned makeshift high school;

Lupe Valdez, who was elected sheriff of Dallas, Texas, against almost unbelievable odds;

Bobby Rodriguez, who struggled with his conflicting desires to be a good father and a carefree teenager.