The Story of Blima: A Holocaust Survivor

The Story of Blima: A Holocaust Survivor

Product details

  • Author: Shirley Russak Wachtel
  • SKU/ISBN: 1-59194-051-6
  • Year: 2005
  • Page count: 133
  • Reading level: 7
  • Lexile Level: 970L
  • Availability: In stock


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About This Book


In 1941, Blima Weisstuch was a young Jewish woman going about her life in a city in Poland. 

She paid no heed to the stories about a man named Adolf Hitler, his Nazi Party, and their plan for a world that did not include Jews. 

But almost overnight her ordinary life was gone, replaced by a nightmare world of terror and death. Millions of people disappeared into the horror of the Holocaust. But Blima's story survives. It is told here by her daughter, Shirley Russak Wachtel.